First released in version: 3.2

Service parameters

Use the Service parametersworkspace to configure runtime parameters for SmartSpace services. Which parameters you can configure here depends on which SmartSpace features you have licensed.

The Service parameters workspace

Click on SERVICE PARAMETERS to display the Service parameters workspace.

To display current settings and edit parameters, you must first click on <Select a configuration> to choose the feature whose parameters you want to configure. Selecting an object from the list displays default settings for parameters for that type. Dragging a type into the object browser opens a list of object instances for which you can display and edit parameters on an individual or global basis.

An example of the Service parameters workspace is shown below.

Screenshot of the Service parameters screen in SmartSpace Config

The workspace is divided into two main areas which are described in the following sections:

Parameters for Configuration

The following parameters can be configured in the SERVICE PARAMETERS workspace:

Configuration Parameters used in
Co-located objects Driven objects

See Parameters for Driven Objects for further information.

External data connector

External data connector

See Parameters for Stream Objects and Parameters for Actions for further information.

GPS and web location sources

AVL/GPS connect

See Web source parameters further information. Deprecated from SmartSpace version 3.9 and above.

Location quality monitoring

Location quality monitoring

See Configuring Location Quality Monitors for further information.

Location simulation

Location simulation

See Location simulation parameters for further information.

Multi-tag Multi-tag

See Multi-tag Configuration for further information.

Parking and tag auto-association Robust location, Parking bay snapping and Automated tag association

See Robust assertion points, Parameters for Parking Areas and Parameters for Tag Association Points for further information.

Path tracking Paths and queues

See Advanced path tracking parameters for further information.

Path tracking simulation Paths and queues

See Simulator service parameters for further information.

RFID low-level reader protocol RFID integration

See LLRP Tag Reader Configuration for further information.

Room snapping

Room snapping

See Configuring Room snapping for further information.

Shifts Business rules and Reporting

See Configuring Shifts and Recording duration using shifts for further information

Stale location timeouts Stale location detection

See Parameters for Stale Location Detection for further information.