First released in version: 3.3 / Last updated in version: 3.8

Ubisense Failover

A common Ubisense failover scenario is the ‘two machine’ setup. In the two machine setup, at any one time one of the machines is the active machine and the other the standby machine. If the active machine stops or fails, the standby machine takes over. But it is important to ensure that both machines do not become active at the same time.

The ubisense_failover_control service implements a protocol between two machines to make them work in a two machine setup, controlling Ubisense services on both machines, and minimizing the likelihood of both machines simultaneously becoming active.

The following describes how the ubisense_failover_control service works, and describes how to set it up to provide failover for a small system, implement scheduled backups in the live system, and extend the failover support to a large system using 2N separate machines.

The Two Machine Setup

The two machine setup looks like the diagram below. Two similar machines, using standard operating systems, and whatever VM / HW configuration is required, are run in tandem. Each machine runs the ubisense_failover_control service. Each instance of the service controls other Ubisense services and talks to the other instance, using a binary exclusion protocol. The binary exclusion protocol ensures that one machine is running the ‘active’ Ubisense services (e.g. the core server, local controller, and replication sender), and the other machine is running the ‘standby’ Ubisense services (e.g. the replication receiver). The Ubisense local controller service on the active machine will control multiple Ubisense application services as specified by the Ubisense core server’s service administration schema (see Ubisense Architecture and Protocols for details).

diagram of failover setup illustrating binary exclusion protocol

A two machine setup running a Ubisense system. At any one time, one machine is in the active state, and the other machine is in the standby state.

Extending the Setup to 2N Machines

In a two machine setup, the entire set of active Ubisense application services is running on one single machine (the active machine) at any one time.

But we might want to run across multiple machines for increased throughput in a large system, or we might want to run our Ubisense system on more than one operating system, for example Linux for the real-time control elements of the system and Windows for the web visibility elements. In this case we simply repeat the two machine setup multiple times. In this case for every pair of machines the active services will include the local controller service (so that Ubisense application services can be started and stopped), and one pair will also be chosen to host the Ubisense core server.

In this way we can build up a large system, possibly with different operating systems, by creating N instances of the two machine setup.

This approach can be especially convenient combined with a VM platform. In this case, it is easy to set up 2N virtual machines mapped onto a suitable set of underlying hardware resources.

diagram of multi machine setup

Multiple two-machine setups can be combined to cover a large system. In this case we have three active machines, each of which has a standby machine.

The reliable networking assumption, errors and precautions

Like all binary failover mechanisms, the ubisense_failover_control service assumes that there is a reliable interconnect between it and its counterpart on the other machine. In the case of ubisense_failover_control this interconnect is just the standard Ethernet networking between the two machines. This means that the networking between the machines is the most critical component in the failover support process; intermittent failure of networking can result in error cases for the failover protocol.

Network isolation

The first case to consider is the temporary failure of networking on the currently active machine, leading to unintended network isolation. To the standby machine, this will look just like a failure of the active machine, so the standby machine will take over. If the networking then recovers on the isolated machine, both machines will incorrectly be active. The protocol will quickly recover from this error case (both machines will transition to the standby state, and then one of them will become active) but during the brief ‘both active’ period there may be incorrect system behavior.

Network partitioning

A more serious problem could arise if networking between the active and standby machines fails, but both machines can still talk to client machines, sensor networks and external systems. In this case, each side of the failover protocol will assume that the other side is down, and so both machines will become active. This would be a serious failure: because both machines would still be able to talk to users of the Ubisense services, this could cause incorrect system behavior over a long period.


To avoid these failure cases the following precautions are advised: when two machines are configured in a two-machine setup they should have a reliable network between them; when running VMs, when a VM network interface fails it is better to reboot the machine (allowing a standby to take over) than to attempt to recover from the network interface failure.

Implementation: the binary exclusion protocol and state machine

In the binary exclusion protocol, each side has a state consisting of two fields:

  • Local status, which can be one of Running, Ready or Stopped. The meaning of the states is:
    • Running: this machine is the active Ubisense machine
    • Ready: this machine is the standby Ubisense machine
    • Stopped: at user request, this machine won’t run any Ubisense services
  • Remote status, which can be one of Running, Ready, Stopped, Waiting, or Timeout. The meanings of the states are as above, plus:
    • Waiting: this side of the protocol has just started, and we are waiting to hear from the remote side
    • Timeout: we have failed to hear from the remote side for long enough that we have exceeded some timeout.

Each side of the protocol repeatedly sends UDP packet containing its current Local status to the other side, which uses the received value to update its view of Remote status, using the Waiting and Timeout values to cover cases where it hasn’t (recently) received any value.

The basic operation is simple:

  • Normally, if the remote machine is Running, the local machine will be Ready, and vice versa.
  • If the remote machine is Stopped or Timeout, the local machine will be Running.
  • The two machines should never both be Running.
  • If both machines are Ready (e.g. at start up time) the machine with the lowest IP address will transition to Running.

In detail, the operation is decided by this procedure, where the LOCAL STATUS and REMOTE STATUS define a row in the table below:

  1. Ensure that the correct services are Up or Down according to the values of the ACTIVE SERVICES and STANDBY SERVICES columns below.
  2. If the Local IP is less than the Remote IP, set Local status in the way described in LOW IP STATE CHANGE, otherwise set it in the way described in HIGH IP STATE CHANGE.
  3. If there is a value specified for HEALTH REPORT then output it (see Logging for information on the destination of health reports).
When states are: Applicable operations are:
Running Running Down Down Ready Ready ERROR
Running Stopped Up Down No change No change NONE
Running Ready Up Down No change No change NONE
Running Waiting Down Down No change No change NONE
Running Timeout Up Down No change No change WARNING
Stopped Running Down Down No change No change NONE
Stopped Stopped Down Down No change No change WARNING
Stopped Ready Down Down No change No change NONE
Stopped Waiting Down Down No change No change NONE
Stopped Timeout Down Down No change No change WARNING
Ready Running Down Up No change No change NONE
Ready Stopped Down Down Running Running NONE
Ready Ready Down Down Running No change NONE
Ready Waiting Down Down No change No change NONE
Ready Timeout Down Down Running Running WARNING

Using the ubisense_failover_control service

Failover Parameters

The parameters for the service are set locally using one of these mechanisms:

  • An entry in the file platform.conf located in this folder:
    • Windows: <installdir>\bin
    • Linux: /etc/ubisense
  • On Windows, string value (with the name of the parameter) in the registry key
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ubisense 2.1\Platform\Config
  • An entry in the file platform.conf in the folder where the service executable is executed

The following are the failover service parameters:

Parameter name Description Platform Default value
ufc_local_ip The IP address of the network interface to use on the local machine Both
ufc_remote_ip The IP address to send to on the remote machine Both
ufc_port The port to bind to on the local machine (and to send to on the remote machine) Both 27001
ufc_timeout The time in seconds before the remote machine is set to have status Timeout Both 10
ufc_reboot_on_error Reboot the local machine if an error is encountered when attempting to control the other Ubisense services on the local machine Both 0
ufc_core Start the Ubisense core server on the local machine when in the active state Both 1
ufc_replication Start the replication sender on the local machine when in the active state, and the replication receiver on the local machine when in the standby state. If the machines are using some kind of shared storage mechanism in order to ensure that they refer to the same data, then replication is not required and this can be set to 0. Both 1
ufc_test_mode Do not actually start or stop any services, but just print out which services would be started or stopped at any time Both 1
ufc_bin Location of the other Ubisense service executables on the local machine Linux only /home/platform/bin

The following are other parameters relevant to failover operation.

Parameter name Description
controller_node_name The name of the computing node to be used by the local controller. This provides the mechanism for the two machines in the two machine setup to identify themselves as the same machine, and always needs to be set when implementing failover.
failover_platform_version This controls the name of the platform services that failover looks for. This only needs to be set if you are running a different version of platform services to the version of failover you are installing. For example, if you were installing failover alongside a version 2.1 platform, you would set failover_platform_version to 2.1 and failover would look for services named UbisenseCoreServer 2.1 and UbisenseServiceController 2.1. The default is 3 and this parameter does not need to be set when using a version 3 platform.
replication_directory The path of the directory where Ubisense persistent services will write their replication files. This only needs to be set when using Ubisense Replication, that is when the parameter ufc_replication above is set to 1.
replication_receiver_address The address of the machine to connect to when sending replication data. This only needs to be set when using Ubisense Replication services, that is when the parameter ufc_replication above is set to 1.

Used when running the platform in unicast mode to ensure that sensor trace messages are correctly routed on failover. To implement this parameter:

  1. Run all the logging services on one machine (see Logging for further information on configuring logging servers).
  2. Set the value of sensor_use_log_as_trace_dest to 1.
  3. Run the Ubisense / Platform / Unicast monitor proxy service on the same machine as the logging services.

The effect of setting this parameter is:

  • The site level logging server will set the global configuration parameter unicast_monitor_addr to be the same as its host machine's platform_interface if this is defined
  • Sensors will send trace messages to the IP endpoint A : P, where A is the IP address component of Location_Cell / Logging_Server / Address_IPv4 for the sensor, and P is the value of the global configuration parameter unicast_monitor_port


The ubisense_failover_control service runs on Linux and Windows, and implements the behavior described in the previous section.


The service logs important state changes and error conditions using the event log features of Windows, or the syslog features of Linux.

Status reporting and control files

The service provides a status reporting and control mechanism based on files in addition to the logging provided by Windows or Linux.

In the Ubisense dataset directory, the service creates a status file, which is one of:

  • ufc_running: this machine is the active machine in the two machine setup
  • ufc_ready: this machine is the standby machine in the two machine setup
  • ufc_stopped: at user request, this machine is neither active or on standby, and all Ubisense services (apart from the failover service itself) are stopped.

And in the same directory, the user may request that the service transition state to Stopped by creating the file ufc_stop. The user can retract that request by removing the ufc_stop file again.

Installing Failover

The following information guides you through the steps required to install UbisenseFailover:

For information on hardware and software requirements, and for general information on installing SmartSpace, see SmartSpace Installation.

If you are also using UbisenseReplication, see Ubisense Replication for further information on its installation and configuration.

Installing Failover version 3 with earlier versions of the Ubisense platform

Failover version 3 can be installed for use with Ubisense platform version 2.1, for example if ACS 2.6 or earlier is required. To enable Failover to control the 2.1 services, you must set failover_platform_version to 2.1. See Failover Parameters and the installation instructions that follow for further information.

Installing Failover on Windows

Follow these instructions to install and deploy Failover on a single pair of Windows machines. For information on installing Failover across several pairs of Windows machines, see Installing on 2N Machines.

On each machine:

  1. Install the Ubisense servers.
    The server software installer, UbisenseServers.msi, is in the servers\windows directory of your SmartSpace distribution directory.
    For further information on installing SmartSpace software on Windows machines, see SmartSpace Installation.

  2. Install Replication (if required).
    The replication software installer, UbisenseReplication.msi, is in the servers\windows directory of your SmartSpace distribution directory.
    For further information on installing the replication software on Windows machines, see Installing Replication on Windows.

    In particular note the following if installing Failover with Replication. On the live system, in Platform Control, the dataset setting should be set to the root directory of the Ubisense dataset. This same directory (including drive) will be used as the location of the replicated dataset on the backup system. For example, if the dataset directory on the live system is d:\ubisense\dataset, the replicated dataset directory will be d:\ubisense\dataset on the backup system. Therefore, it is important to ensure the backup system has the same hardware (drives) as the live system.On the backup system, in Platform Control, set the dataset setting to the same as the dataset setting on the live system. Although this is not necessary for the replication to work, if the backup dataset is correctly set, it will make switching from the live system to the backup system quicker and easier if the live system fails.

  3. Install Failover.
    The failover software installer, UbisenseFailoverControl.msi, is in the servers\windows directory of your SmartSpace distribution directory.

  4. Ensure that the Ubisense servers and replication are not restarted on reboot.

    1. Run Platform Control.

    2. In Services, ensure that start services automatically on reboot is unchecked.

    3. Click Apply.

    The services will now be controlled by the failover control service. By visiting Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services it should be possible to confirm that the services have startup type Manual.

  5. Ensure that the failover service is restarted on reboot.
    By visiting Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services set the service UbisenseFailoverControl to have startup type Automatic. This will ensure that the failover service is started when the machine starts up. By using the Recovery tab, it is also possible to restart the service if it fails.

  6. Configure Failover in the Windows registry. (For information on editing registry settings see Registry Editor.)
    Referring to the table below and using the examples in Failover configuration example, configure the failover service. Ensure that the two machines have identical configurations apart from IP addresses where the local IP on one machine is the remote IP on the other, and vice versa.

The following are the failover service parameters:

Parameter name Description Default value
ufc_local_ip The IP address of the network interface to use on the local machine
ufc_remote_ip The IP address to send to on the remote machine
ufc_port The port to bind to on the local machine (and to send to on the remote machine) 27001
ufc_timeout The time in seconds before the remote machine is set to have status Timeout 10
ufc_reboot_on_error Reboot the local machine if an error is encountered when attempting to control the other Ubisense services on the local machine 0
ufc_core Start the Ubisense core server on the local machine when in the active state 1
ufc_replication Start the replication sender on the local machine when in the active state, and the replication receiver on the local machine when in the standby state. If the machines are using some kind of shared storage mechanism in order to ensure that they refer to the same data, then replication is not required and this can be set to 0. 1
ufc_test_mode Do not actually start or stop any services, but just print out which services would be started or stopped at any time 1

The following are other parameters relevant to failover operation.

Parameter name Description
controller_node_name The name of the computing node to be used by the local controller. This provides the mechanism for the two machines in the two machine setup to identify themselves as the same machine, and always needs to be set when implementing failover.
failover_platform_version This controls the name of the platform services that failover looks for. This only needs to be set if you are running a different version of platform services to the version of failover you are installing. For example, if you were installing failover alongside a version 2.1 platform, you would set failover_platform_version to 2.1 and failover would look for services named UbisenseCoreServer 2.1 and UbisenseServiceController 2.1. The default is 3 and this parameter does not need to be set when using a version 3 platform.
replication_directory The path of the directory where Ubisense persistent services will write their replication files. This only needs to be set when using Ubisense Replication, that is when the parameter ufc_replication above is set to 1.
replication_receiver_address The address of the machine to connect to when sending replication data. This only needs to be set when using Ubisense Replication services, that is when the parameter ufc_replication above is set to 1.

Used when running the platform in unicast mode to ensure that sensor trace messages are correctly routed on failover. To implement this parameter:

  1. Run all the logging services on one machine (see Logging for further information on configuring logging servers).
  2. Set the value of sensor_use_log_as_trace_dest to 1.
  3. Run the Ubisense / Platform / Unicast monitor proxy service on the same machine as the logging services.

The effect of setting this parameter is:

  • The site level logging server will set the global configuration parameter unicast_monitor_addr to be the same as its host machine's platform_interface if this is defined
  • Sensors will send trace messages to the IP endpoint A : P, where A is the IP address component of Location_Cell / Logging_Server / Address_IPv4 for the sensor, and P is the value of the global configuration parameter unicast_monitor_port
  1. Start Failover and ensure the configuration is working correctly.
    After the configuration has been set up appropriately, the failover service can be started.

Installing on 2N Machines

When installing Failover over multiple pairs of machines, each pair of machines should be configured as described above with the following exceptions:

  • Only one machine pair should be configured to host the core server, so in step 4 the parameter ufc_core should be set to zero in the platform.conf files for all the other machine pairs
  • Each machine pair needs a new controller name. For example, if there are N pairs, then each pair could have controller_node_name set to linux_server_1, … , linux_server_N

Restarting the Ubisense Application Updater

When a machine fails over, UbisenseFailoverControl does not kill UbisenseApplicationUpdater. On the standby machine, UbisenseApplicationUpdater then (correctly) generates trace messages because it can no longer contact the Ubisense platform. These messages can eventually fill the log files and can obscure other more useful trace messages.

To prevent this happening, on both the active and standby machines, create a batch file to stop and restart UbisenseApplicationUpdater and schedule it to run once a day:

  1. Create a batch file that does net stop "UbisenseApplicationUpdater 3" ; net start "UbisenseApplicationUpdater 3".
  2. Set it to be owned by administrator.
  3. Set up a scheduled task to run once per day and execute the batch file.

Installing Failover on Linux

Follow these instructions to install and deploy Failover on a single pair of Linux machines each running the core server and local controller. For information on installing Failover across several pairs of Linux machines, see Installing on 2N Machines.

If installing Failover with Replication note the following (and see Installing Replication on Linux for further information on installing and configuring Replication). On the live system, the dataset setting should be set to the root directory of the Ubisense dataset. This same directory will be used as the location of the replicated dataset on the backup system.On the backup system, set the dataset setting to the same as the dataset setting on the live system. Although this is not necessary for the replication to work, if the backup dataset is correctly set, it will make switching from the live system to the backup system easier if the live system fails.

On each machine:

  1. Copy the servers, replication (if required) and failover control to a bin directory.
    You can find the executables in the following locations in your SmartSpace distribution directory:
  2. servers servers/linux/ubisense_core_server



    failover servers/linux/ubisense_failover_control
  3. Create a service management script for the failover service only.
    Create a suitable script for your particular Linux platform that will provide some start/stop/status support for the failover service. This service runs as a daemon, and so most standard techniques should be applicable. A common script is provided in Example Linux init.d script for ubisense_failover_control.
    For Red Hat® Linux, and other Linux platforms using systemd, see Example Linux systemd scripts for ubisense_failover_control for information on configuring support for the failover service.
  4. Ensure that the service management script is run on machine restart.
    Using a suitable method for your Linux platform, ensure that the failover service is started on machine restart. On most platforms, it should also be possible to restart the failover service on failure.
  5. Configure Failover using platform.conf.
    Referring to the table below and using the examples in Failover configuration example, configure the failover service.
    Ensure that the two machines have identical configurations apart from IP addresses where the local IP on one machine is the remote IP on the other, and vice versa.

The following are the failover service parameters:

Parameter name Description Default value
ufc_local_ip The IP address of the network interface to use on the local machine
ufc_remote_ip The IP address to send to on the remote machine
ufc_port The port to bind to on the local machine (and to send to on the remote machine) 27001
ufc_timeout The time in seconds before the remote machine is set to have status Timeout 10
ufc_reboot_on_error Reboot the local machine if an error is encountered when attempting to control the other Ubisense services on the local machine 0
ufc_core Start the Ubisense core server on the local machine when in the active state 1
ufc_replication Start the replication sender on the local machine when in the active state, and the replication receiver on the local machine when in the standby state. If the machines are using some kind of shared storage mechanism in order to ensure that they refer to the same data, then replication is not required and this can be set to 0. 1
ufc_test_mode Do not actually start or stop any services, but just print out which services would be started or stopped at any time 1
ufc_bin Location of the other Ubisense service executables on the local machine /home/platform/bin

The following are other parameters relevant to failover operation.

Parameter name Description
controller_node_name The name of the computing node to be used by the local controller. This provides the mechanism for the two machines in the two machine setup to identify themselves as the same machine, and always needs to be set when implementing failover.
replication_directory The path of the directory where Ubisense persistent services will write their replication files. This only needs to be set when using Ubisense Replication, that is when the parameter ufc_replication above is set to 1.
replication_receiver_address The address of the machine to connect to when sending replication data. This only needs to be set when using Ubisense Replication services, that is when the parameter ufc_replication above is set to 1.

Used when running the platform in unicast mode to ensure that sensor trace messages are correctly routed on failover. To implement this parameter:

  1. Run all the logging services on one machine (see Logging for further information on configuring logging servers).
  2. Set the value of sensor_use_log_as_trace_dest to 1.
  3. Run the Ubisense / Platform / Unicast monitor proxy service on the same machine as the logging services.

The effect of setting this parameter is:

  • The site level logging server will set the global configuration parameter unicast_monitor_addr to be the same as its host machine's platform_interface if this is defined
  • Sensors will send trace messages to the IP endpoint A : P, where A is the IP address component of Location_Cell / Logging_Server / Address_IPv4 for the sensor, and P is the value of the global configuration parameter unicast_monitor_port
  1. Start Failover and ensure the configuration is working correctly.
    After the configuration has been set up appropriately, the failover service can be started.

Installing on 2N Machines

When installing Failover over multiple pairs of machines, each pair of machines should be configured as described above with the following exceptions:

  • Only one machine pair should be configured to host the core server, so in step 4 the parameter ufc_core should be set to zero in the platform.conf files for all the other machine pairs
  • Each machine pair needs a new controller name. For example, if there are N pairs, then each pair could have controller_node_name set to linux_server_1, … , linux_server_N

Example Linux init.d script for ubisense_failover_control

This script is a commonly-used init script template, converted for running the Ubisense failover control service. It assumes the existence of a pseudo-user platform, which will run the Ubisense platform. It also needs to be configured for your platform, by setting PLATFORM_USER, UBISENSE_FAILOVER, and UCONFIG appropriately.

# Init file for Ubisense failover control server
# chkconfig: 345 98 02
# description: Ubisense failover control for linux
# processname: ubisense_failover_control
# config: /etc/ubisense.conf

# source function library

if [ -e /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] 
   . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
 # steal status() from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions on a RH box
 status() {
	local base=${1##*/}
	local pid

	# Test syntax.
	if [ "$#" = 0 ] ; then
		echo $"Usage: status {program}"
		return 1

	# First try "pidof"
	pid=`pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x $1 || \
	     pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x ${base}`
	if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
	        echo $"${base} (pid $pid) is running..."
	        return 0

	# Next try "/var/run/*.pid" files
	if [ -f /var/run/${base}.pid ] ; then
	        read pid < /var/run/${base}.pid
	        if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
	                echo $"${base} dead but pid file exists"
	                return 1
	# See if /var/lock/subsys/${base} exists
	if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/${base} ]; then
		echo $"${base} dead but subsys locked"
		return 2
	echo $"${base} is stopped"
	return 3

# pull in sysconfig settings. NB this is configuring sysconfig, not Ubisense
[ -f /etc/ubisense.conf ] && . /etc/ubisense.conf

# local configuration – change to reflect pseudo user and location of executable
export UCONFIG=/etc/ubisense/platform.conf


	echo -n $"Starting UBISENSE_FAILOVER:"
	if [ -e /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] 
	   daemon --check UBISENSE_FAILOVER --user=platform ${UBISENSE_FAILOVER}
	   startproc -u platform ${UBISENSE_FAILOVER}
        touch /var/lock/subsys/UBISENSE_FAILOVER

	echo -n $"Stopping UBISENSE_FAILOVER:"
        if [ -e /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] 
	    killproc ${UBISENSE_FAILOVER}
        rm -f /var/lock/subsys/UBISENSE_FAILOVER

case "$1" in
                status UBISENSE_FAILOVER
		echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit $RETVAL

Example Linux systemd scripts for ubisense_failover_control

The following example illustrates the use of sysemd scripts for failover on a Red Hat® Linux machine.

The instructions assume the failover executable (ubisense_failover_control) is in /home/platform/bin/i586_linux. If this is not the case, the service file (ubisense_failover.service) will have to be updated to reflect the location of the executable.
  1. Add a target file in /etc/systemd/system containing the following:
Description=ubisense_service Target
  1. Run the following commands:
systemctl list-units --type service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable
systemctl isolate
ln -sf /etc/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/
  1. Reboot the machine.
  2. Check the status of the target using the command below to make sure the target is active and running:
systemctl list-units --type target
  1. Add a service file ubisense_failover.service in /etc/systemd/system containing the following:
Description=Daemon for ubisense_failover_service


  1. Run the following commands:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable ubisense_failover.service
  1. Reboot the machine.
  2. To list the status of the services run the following command:
systemctl list-units --type service

Failover configuration example

In this example two Linux machines run an entire dataset with failover in a two machine setup.

  • The IP addresses of the machines are and
  • The machines both have the following Ubisense executables installed in their default location (/home/platform/bin): ubisense_failover_control, ubisense_core_server, ubisense_local_control, ubisense_replication_sender, and ubisense_replication_receiver
  • The ubisense_failover_control service is set up to run via a standard init.d script.
  • The machines are both configured using the /etc/ubisense/platform.conf file, with contents as below: platform.conf file

controller_node_name: linux_server
replication_directory: /home/platform/replication
ufc_test_mode: 0 platform.conf file

controller_node_name: linux_server
replication_directory: /home/platform/replication
ufc_test_mode: 0

What Happens when the Example Runs

When the machines both start up (or both have the failover service started), the following sequence of behavior occurs:
In state Ready (remote = Waiting) In state Ready (remote = Waiting)
In state Ready (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Ready)

Because this machine has the lower IP address

Start ubisense_core_server,

In state Running (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Running)
  Start ubisense_replication_receiver
In state Running (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Running)

This is the stable state with active and in standby, and, because replication is enabled, the entire dataset for is replicated in the dataset directory for

Looking at the dataset directories on each machine, contains the file ufc_running, and contains the file ufc_ready.

Manually Switching between Active and Standby

Now suppose we touch the file ufc_stop in the dataset directory on We get this sequence of events and actions:
In state Running (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Running)
In state Ready (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Ready)

Stop ubisense_core_server, ubisense_local_control, ubisense_replication_sender

In state Stopped (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Stopped)
  Stop ubisense_replication_receiver
Start ubisense_core_server, ubisense_local_control, ubisense_replication_sender
In state Stopped (remote = Running) In state Running (remote = Stopped)

The dataset is now running on If we now remove the ufc_stop file on, the failover service will change state to Ready, and start ubisense_replication_receiver, which was the original stable state, but with the machines reversed. So by using the ufc_stop file, we can instigate an immediate switchover between the two machines.

Failing over when Active Goes Down

If the Running machine now is powered down, the standby machine will detect that remote = Timeout, and take over as the active machine. Suppose is the active machine, and it fails, then we get this sequence of actions:
In state Running (remote = Ready) In state Ready (remote = Running)
  In state Ready (remote = Running)


After ufc_timeout seconds
  In state Ready (remote = Timeout)
  Stop ubisense_replication_receiver
Start ubisense_core_server, ubisense_local_control, ubisense_replication_sender
In state Stopped (remote = Running) In state Running (remote = Timeout)

Bringing a Single Machine Down for Maintenance or OS Patching

As part of a standard system administration maintenance process, machines will be periodically upgraded to new OS versions, be assigned new hardware, or otherwise maintained. This normally requires the machine concerned to be taken out of service. In these cases, as long as a single machine in the pair is taken out of service at a time, failover will ensure that the application will continue to run on the other machine.

The most graceful way of achieving this is to use the ufc_stop request, as above, to request that the machine communicate its stopped status to its partner. This will avoid a wait of ufc_timeout seconds before the standby machine takes over, and prevent the standby machine from logging warnings.

Hot Backup: Taking Scheduled Dataset Backups while the System is Live

Of course, failover of this kind is not a protection against disasters that take out an entire machine room, or user errors that delete important parts of a dataset. To mitigate these problems it is still necessary to take frequent backups.

The easiest guaranteed-correct way to do this is to ensure that the dataset files are not being written during the backup. In a two machine setup that includes replication this is easy to do by briefly stopping the replication receiver on the standby machine, copying the dataset backup, and starting the replication receiver again.

On Linux platforms this can be done using this procedure:

  1. Change to the dataset directory.
  2. If there is a file ufc_ready, indicating that the machine is in standby state, then
    1. Create the file ufc_stop, to request that the machine transition to state Stopped
    2. Wait for the file ufc_stopped to appear, indicating that the machine is Stopped
    3. Create the backup by copying the contents of the dataset directory to a file
    4. Remove the file ufc_stop.
  3. Finally, copy the backup file to some suitable remote location.

As a Linux shell script, this looks like:

cd /home/platform/dataset
if [ -f ufc_ready ] ; then
        echo "stopping standby services"
        touch ufc_stop
        while [ ! -f ufc_stopped ] ; do
                echo "waiting to stop"
                sleep 1
        echo "backing up dataset"
        tar czf ../backup.tgz .
        echo "starting standby services"
        rm ufc_stop
        echo "moving backup to a remote location"
        # Move the file ../backup.tgz to a remote location

This script can be installed on both machines and run via a cron job at an appropriate interval. On the active machine the script will do nothing, and on the standby machine, the script will briefly stop failover while creating a backup, and then move the backup to some shared remote storage.