First released in version: 3.4

Tag status

Use the Tag and Battery Status screen to display information about tags. Details shown are:

  • ownership and the last time this was updated
  • activity and the last time activity was updated
  • battery status and the last time this was updated
  • tag type: used to determine the battery capacity of the tag
  • firmware: the software version each tag is running (DIMENSION4 only)

From the Tag and Battery Status screen you can:

  • set or change the tag type of a tag
  • update the status of a tag's battery when the battery has been replaced

Other screens in SmartSpace Web may allow you to manually associate or disassociate tags with objects and this can also be done in the Tag association workspace in SmartSpace Config. A built-in search allows you to display the locations of tags on the web map.

Only members of the System.Operator role can access this screen. (For information on configuring role membership, see Configuring Roles in SmartSpace Web or Configuring Roles using SmartSpace Config.)

Click on Tags to display the screen in SmartSpace Web.

tag status screen showing a table of tags with information about their configuration

When you first open the screen, no tag details are displayed. You can:

  • Type all or part of a tag ID and click Search to display one or more tags matching your input (recommended)

  • Click the Search button without entering search criteria to display all all tags that have been assigned a tag type.

    If you want to see tags which do not have a tag type, choose the No Tag Type option from the tag type filter. (This is a change to the default installation introduced in SmartSpace 3.7. You can change the configuration to include all tags, even those without tag types, in this list.)

We recommend you search for specific tags to reduce loading when there are tens of thousands of tags to search through.

In the example below, the search term 68:13 has retrieved a single tag:

screenshot of Tag and Battery Status screen with text entered in the search box

You can filter tags by their battery status. Options are:

  • All
  • Warning and Failing
  • Failing
  • Replaced — indicates an operator has asserted that the battery has been replaced, but the battery has not yet been replaced or the tag has not yet generated a new battery energy count since it was replaced

Similarly, you can filter by tag type by choosing a tag type from the dropdown:

screenshot of tag type dropdown

You can further filter retrieved tags by typing a search term. For example, in the screen below, the tags have been filtered to display those whose ownership is set to "Spare".

example of a screen of tag details with a filter

You can sort on one or more columns in the table. Click the heading of the first column to sort on. Click a second time to reverse the sort order. To sort on additional columns, hold down Shift and click the relevant headings.

Once displayed, you can click the Download button to export the tabulated data to a file in CSV format. The export includes all data regardless of any filters you may have applied.

Tag Management

Select a tag from the table by clicking anywhere in its row of details, and the tag management buttons become active. Operations you can perform on a selected tag are described in the following sections.

Resetting Battery Status

You can reset a tag's battery status, after the battery has been replaced, by selecting the tag in the table and clicking Tag Battery Replaced. You are asked to confirm the operation.

screen shot of confirmation dialog

The new Battery Status Update Time is displayed in the table.

Setting Tag Type

You can set or change the tag type of a tag by selecting the tag in the table and clicking Change Tag Type.

screenshot of Change Tag Type dialog

Select the tag type from the dropdown and click Apply.

Changing the Configuration to Include Tags without Tag Types in the All Tags List

With the release of SmartSpace 3.7, the Tag and Battery Status screen no longer shows tags that have not been assigned a tag type unless No Tag Type is explicitly selected in the Filter by tag type dropdown. You can revert to the previous behavior–including tags without a tag type in the all tags display–as follows:

  1. Use the ubisense_configuration_client command to set the show_tags_without_type configuration parameter to 1.

    ubisense_configuration_client set show_tags_without_type 1

  2. In Service Manager, restart the Ubisense/Visibility/Tag status client interface service.