First released in version: 3.4

Sensor status

If you have the DIMENSION4 services licensed and installed, the Sensor Status screen becomes available to display details of sensor statuses. You can also use this screen to carry out the following sensor managements operations on a selected sensor:

  • reboot
  • activate or deactivate
  • swap a new sensor for the old one
  • add a comment

Only members of the System.Operator role can access this screen. (For information on configuring role membership, see Configuring Roles in SmartSpace Web or Configuring Roles using SmartSpace Config.)

Click on Sensors to display the screen in SmartSpace Web.

Once displayed, you can click the Download button to export the tabulated data to a file in CSV format. The export includes all data regardless of any filters you may have applied. Note: Uptime is exported as a value in seconds.

You can sort on one or more columns in the table. Click the heading of the first column to sort on. Click a second time to reverse the sort order. To sort on additional columns, hold down Shift and click the relevant headings.

For each sensor, details shown are: name, IP address, MAC address, status and how long that status has applied, uptime (time since last reboot if in a non-error state), any comments that have been added, group, and whether it is active (whether it has been activated or deactivated: see Deactivating/Activating Sensors).

Entries in the Status column are displayed on a color-coded background. Status can be:

  • Running
  • Initializing
  • Unknown
  • No timing signal
  • Rebooting
  • Last seen running
  • Last seen initializing
  • Last seen with no timing signal
  • Last seen rebooting

Status Age indicates how long the sensor has been in its current state.

You can filter sensors by status. Options are:

  • All
  • Running
  • Warning
  • Error

You can also filter the retrieved sensors by typing a search term. For example, in the screen below, the sensors have been filtered on the search term "eng".

screen with table of sensors with filter applied

Sensor Management

Select a sensor from the table by clicking anywhere in its row of details, and the sensor management buttons become active. Operations you can perform on a selected sensor are described in the following sections.

Rebooting Sensors

You can reboot a sensor by selecting it in the table and clicking Reboot. You are asked to confirm the operation.

screenshot showing the request for sensor reboot confirmation dialog

Click Reboot to reboot the sensor.

Swapping sensors

Swap a new sensor in place of an old one by selecting a sensor from the table and clicking Swap sensor.

screen shot showing Swapping Sensor dialog with the old sensor MAC displayed and the new sensor's MAC being added

In the Swap sensor dialog, the MAC address of the old sensor is shown. Enter the MAC address of the replacement sensor and click Swap sensor.

Adding comments

Add a comment to a sensor by selecting a sensor from the table and clicking Comment.

screenshot of Edit Sensor Comment dialog

Enter the comment and click Save.

Deactivating/Activating Sensors

Deactivated sensors do not receive UWB data. You may want to deactivate a sensor if it has been knocked out of alignment and is giving bad data.

Deactivate an active sensor by selecting it in the table and clicking Deactivate sensor. You are asked to confirm the operation.

screenshot showing the request for sensor deactivation confirmation dialog

Click Deactivate sensor to deactivate the sensor.

You can activate an inactive sensor in a similar way: select it in the table, click Activate sensor and confirm.