First released in version: 3.7 / Last updated in version: 3.8.3

Scaling out SmartSpace Web

Introduction to Scaling out SmartSpace Web

This guide describes the support within SmartSpace for scaling out the SmartSpace website. Here scaling out means supporting multiple back-end web servers so that a load balancer can spread load across those servers. This enables you to support more users by adding web servers.

This is an advanced subject, and some knowledge of website hosting and load balancing technologies is assumed. You should also be familiar with the general SmartSpace website installation methods described in SmartSpace Installation.


  • SmartSpace version 3.7 or higher

  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.x Hosting bundle for Windows or ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.x for Linux

The Web Partition

The basic support for web partitions was introduced in SmartSpace 3.7. A partition allows a given host server to run an isolated copy of the SmartSpace website, along with the services that process queries from users.

Configuring a Web Partition

A web partition is configured by setting the machine-local configuration parameter web_partition to be a string value that is unique across machines in your platform. For example, it might be the IP address of the local machine, or another unique label such as a partition number.

Choose a partition name – here represented by “XXXXXXXX”.

On a Windows host, add the following value to the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ubisense 2.1\Platform\Config\web_partition

On a Linux host, add the following to /etc/ubisense/platform.conf:

web_partition: XXXXXXXX

After the parameter is set, any instances of the SmartSpace website run on the host will attempt to connect to a partition-specific copy of the services used to run web map, forms, and reporting queries. Furthermore, any instances of those services will advertise the partition-specific versions of their schemas. The next step is to configure local versions of these to be started.


With the partition set, a copy of the website is run on the local machine. This copy will attempt to connect to a partition-specific version of the client interface services.


For the Windows website, install the website from the msi, as in the normal installation instructions.


On Linux, it is suggested that the website for a partition should be run using systemd. To do this, first extract the website from the distributed file
web/linux/packages/i586_linux_2.6/ to a folder, such as /home/platform/website. Then set up a systemd script to start the service and restart if it exits. For example, the following could be placed in /etc/systemd/system/website.service:

Description=Ubisense Website

Then run systemctl start website and systemctl enable website.

Forwarded headers

If using a reverse proxy on another host, such as a load balancer, the website must also be configured to use standard forwarded headers from that proxy. To do this, add the “AcceptHeadersFrom” configuration to the ProxyOptions section in the localsettings.json file if using Windows or web.json on Linux.

"ProxyOptions": {
"Base": "/SmartSpace",
"AcceptHeadersFrom": ""

Once this is set, the website will expect to receive the request protocol in “X-Forwarded-Proto”, and the requesting client address in “X-Forwarded-For”. These allow the website code to handle authentication requirements correctly. If these are not set then the website may for example respond with a redirect to https if it believes that a secured connection is required by authentication, resulting in a possible redirect loop.


With the partition set, copies of the client interface web services must be started to advertise and serve the partition schemas.


Ubisense suggest that a tool such as NSSM could be used to start and restart instances of the following executables (from the packages/i586_windows_1.3 folder of the distribution):

  • ubisense_client_interface.exe

  • ubisense_ai_client_interface_oracle.exe or ubisense_ai_client_interface_sqlserver.exe

  • ubisense_assoc_and_config_web_interface.exe

  • ubisense_object_view_web_interface.exe


Again, use systemd to start instances of the following executables (from the packages/i586_linux_2.6 folder of the distribution):

  • ubisense_client_interface

  • ubisense_ai_client_interface_oracle or ubisense_ai_client_interface_sqlserver

  • ubisense_assoc_and_config_web_interface

  • ubisense_object_view_web_interface

Client Interface Services Required on a Controller

When installing website partitions, you should leave the map/forms/report client interface services still deployed on a controller (often the same machine the Core Server is running on, although any controller will do). Check where client interface services are deployed using Service Manager. The services to look for are:

  • Web map client interface

  • Web forms client interface

  • Report client interface SQL Server or Report client interface Oracle

  • Object view API client interface

Even though these client interface service instances will not be used directly, as each partition will use its own locally running, manually managed instances, they must still be deployed, otherwise the website will hide the map/form/reports menu items.

Load balancing and reverse proxy

In order to present a single website URL to users, you need to deploy some kind of load balancing reverse proxy. There are several possible choices here, such as Apache, NGINX, or managed solutions such as AWS Elastic Load Balancer. In all these cases, you need to ensure that the web service is accessible from the reverse proxy.


There are a number of load balancing options for IIS available. Within IIS, there is the Application Request Routing module (ARR). Normally SSL Offloading will be required in order to present a single SSL certificate.


By default, on Linux, the web service binds to URL This will not be accessible from a remote load balancer. To set the URL bound by the web service, pass an argument to the service. For example, using systemd, use the following in the .service configuration file:

  ExecStart=/home/platform/website/ubisense_smartspace_web --urls=http://*:5000

Now set up a firewall rule to allow connections to 5000 only from the reverse proxy/load balancer.

The SSL should be handled at the load balancer, and the request scheme protocol passed to the web service as header X-Forwarded-Proto, so that it knows it is safe to use a login form and cookie authentication. Or authentication should be done at the reverse proxy and the authenticated user passed in the configured UserHeader. See the general SmartSpace website installation methods described in SmartSpace Installation.

Session Stickiness

Session persistence for creating an affinity between a client and a backend website must be set up.

Reports Engine and SQL Scaling

The partition configuration results in multiple copies of the reporting client interface service, but these will all be connecting to the same database server back-end, as configured in SmartSpace Config/PROPERTY HISTORY. The compilation and tracking of query execution will be federated, but the actual execution will not.

To scale the execution of report queries, it is suggested that the built-in cluster scaling methods of SQL Server or Oracle should be used, so that the single connection string results in queries being balanced across one or more instances of the database engine.