First released in version: 3.6

Automatically recording who made a change to a property on the web map

If you want to keep track of who made a change to a settable property on the web map, or in a web form, you can create a pair of properties so that when a change is made to one, the identity of the user is automatically recorded in the other. This is achieved by creating a property called user changed tracked_property_name where tracked_property_name is the one for which the user making changes will be recorded. Only changes made in SmartSpace Web are recorded: updating properties in SmartSpace Config does not record the ID of the user making the change. The changes are made in the same transaction allowing you to robustly track who most recently updated a property. This information can then be used by business rules, or the "user changed" property can be logged to the database and used in reports.

In the following example, we will create the capability to record who last made a comment on tool objects. In TYPES / OBJECTS, we create the tool type, a string property called comment and, in order to record who has added a comment, a string property called user changed comment:

Screenshots showing the tool type and the two properties: comment and user changed comment

After the type and properties have been defined, the tool type is given a 2D representation for the web map and the comment property is made settable for those roles permitted to edit it. Note that we do not need to make the "user changed" property settable.

Next, in the Web searches workspace, we create a search based on the name of <tool> : string with the "comment" and "user changed" properties added to the details view:

screen shot of the WEB SEARCH screen showing the search confguraion to locate tools and add comments

After we have added the search to the roles that will use it, we can view it in SmartSpace Web and add a comment to a tool:

screen shot of adding a comment in SmartSpace web