First released in version: 3.2

Overview of AngleID connect

The AngleID connect service package is a collection of services responsible for connecting AngleID readers with the UDM. Currently the package consists of one service, the entry/exit connector, which keeps the UDM updated with objects which satisfy AngleID recipes.

Setting up AngleID connect

The package is installed using the Service Manager application. For the service to run, you must define the address and port to listen for readers on. This, plus other configurable options, are defined using the following configuration parameters:

Parameter name



The IP address to listen for readers on. This should be the address of the machine running the service.


The port to listen for readers on.


How often the service should check the validity of the UDM’s contents, in seconds. This sync allows existing values in the UDM to update to changes in tag ownership and undoes incorrect external changes to the UDM.

These are global parameters and should be defined using the ubisense_configuration_client tool.

What AngleID connect does

When the service is started for the first time it will add a new type to the UDM; the Ubisense AngleID Recipe. Recipe objects of this type are automatically created for you whenever a reader sends recipe data to the service, using the Id1/Id2 naming format from AngleID Configuration (where recipes should be defined with unique IDs). Do not rename these recipe objects. The recipe objects have a live flag which tells you whether a reader for this recipe is currently connected.

The service also adds a new “object satisfies recipe” property to the UDM. This property is used to store which objects currently satisfy which AngleID Recipe; when a tag owned by an object satisfies a recipe, that object/recipe pair is added to this property and vice versa. It is maintained by the service and any (incorrect) changes made by users will be reverted. If you remove or rename a recipe in AngleID Configuration and want to remove the corresponding AngleID Recipe object from the UDM, you will need to restart the service then delete the object.