First released in version: 3.8.2

Configuring a delay between starting services when the local controller is restarted

When the local controller is restarted, all Ubisense services start up quickly. In large installations, there can be lot of traffic to local broadcast ( and as more services start, delays are introduced such that UDP packets sent to local broadcast take longer and longer to reach their destination. Ultimately the core server can stop responding and appears to lock up indefinitely. A local configuration parameter, controller_start_delay, allows you to set a delay between individual services starting to avoid this problem.


Requires SmartSpace 3.8 SP2 or later

Requires DIMENSION4 3.8 or later

How it Works

To introduce a delay between services starting, set a LOCAL configuration parameter controller_start_delay to, for example, 0.5. The controller will pause this many seconds between each service executable starting. The parameter cannot exceed 5 seconds and using values above 5 starts services every 5 seconds.