First released in version: 3.2

Types and objects

The Types and objects workspace provides a drag-and-drop interface for working with types, objects, and their properties when you define your data model. Objects are based on parent types and can have a range of properties depending on the features you have licensed. You can also create types using other Ubisense-supplied types whose availability depends on the features you have licensed. (For a list of these types and where they are used in SmartSpace, see Ubisense Types.)

Simple properties allow you to specify one-to-one and many-to-one relations between objects. Complex properties allow the inclusion of joins between types so that one-to-many or even many-to-many relations can be defined. You can define complex properties based on your data model; other complex properties are provided with specific features of SmartSpace or can be added by SmartSpace when you perform certain configuration activities, such as defining spatial relations.

In addition to building your data model, you can also use the workspace to add specific instances of data types to populate your data model, and monitor objects and their property values in real-time when property values are changed either by external business systems you have integrated with SmartSpace or by the SmartSpace Business rules engine.

The Types and objects workspace

The Types and objects workspace in SmartSpace Config provides tools to create, edit and delete both types and properties.

Click on TYPES / OBJECTS to display the workspace.

screen shot of the Types and objects workspace

The workspace is divided into three main areas whose content depends on which features you have licensed and which types and objects you are working with. The workspace is described in the following sections:

Working with types and objects

Creating a new type

To create a new type, click on TYPES / OBJECTS to open the Types and objects workspace and double-click <Create new type>.

This will display the type creation dialog. At this point you can:

  1. Give your new type a name.
  2. Decide whether you want the type to inherit from any existing types.
  3. Give your new type a property with which instances of the object can be uniquely identified, .i.e. a “name” or “UID” property.

Click Save when you have entered the required information.

Adding simple properties to a type

If you want to add additional properties to your new type, select the type in the top half of the Types and properties list and double-click the <Create new property>option in the lower half.

This will pop up the property creation dialog. From here you must:

  1. Give the new property a name.
  2. Select which service manages the property. In general, you can accept the default, the site-level object property data service. See Ubisense Real-Time Rules: Concepts and Configuration for further information.
  3. Choose a type for the property from the whose value has type dropdown.

    This can be:

  4. Click Save.

Adding a space property to a type

Spatial relations in SmartSpace require objects to have one or more space properties defined which can be referenced in a spatial relation definition.

To add a space property to a type, use the Types and objects workspace to add a new property to the type, much like adding a property of any other basic or custom type:

  1. Select the required type.
  2. Double-click <Create new property>.

    screen shot showing create new property dialog

  3. Give the property a name – the term <prefix> extent is a good generic name for this type of property.
  4. At which is managed by you can select the service which manages this property. Accept the default option of the site-level object property data service. In general, you should accept the default, but see Ubisense Real-Time Rules: Concepts and Configuration for further information.
  5. Ensure you have selected the Space type from the type dropdown.
  6. Click Save to save the new property.

If you now select the type in the Types and objects workspace, an additional row of details is displayed with the name of the space property followed by Space.

screen shot showing new space property added to the list of properties

Creating new object instances

To create new instances of an object class, in the Types and objects workspace:

  1. Drag the object type from the TYPE list into the object browser.
  2. Choose <Create new object>.
  3. Give the new object a unique name.
  4. Click Save.

    screen shot showing how to add a new object instance

Note: It is possible to create multiple new objects at once using line-separated names for each new object.

example of creating several new objects simultaneously

You can view and edit the properties of any object by dragging it into the object browser workspace:

screen shot showing how to display a list of object instances, and the properties of one of them