First released in version: 3.4


Custom interfaces for displaying current business objects and properties in the SmartSpace website


HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces) allow custom web interfaces to be developed and deployed within the Ubisense SmartSpace web site. They can display content based on web searches and reporting queries defined within SmartSpace in a variety of formats including:

  • visual components such as progress bars or gauges
  • embedded versions of web maps or web reports (if licensed)

Administrators can use a web-based editor to develop and test interfaces, before publishing the finished versions to designated SmartSpace roles.

A simple declarative binding API is provided to allow HMI content to be generated using only attributed HTML; whilst, for more advanced uses, CSS and JavaScript can be added to the interfaces and external assets, such as images and script libraries, can be hosted in the SmartSpace web site for use by the feature.

Example of HMI with gauges and progrees bars