Searching the Ubisense SmartSpace website

To search the website, type a query into the search bar and press Enter (or click image of the search button).

Search has the following features:

  • You can search for occurrences of single words, for example tag. The search is not case sensitive, so entering tag would locate topics containing both "tag" and "Tag". You can enter a partial term (a minimum of four characters long) and all topics with words containing that sequence of characters will be returned.

    When you open a topic, all occurrences of the search term are highlighted. Click image of the remove highlight button to remove all highlighting from a topic.

  • You can search for phrases, by enclosing the phrase in double quotes, for example "spatial monitoring". Only topics containing an exact match for the phrase will be returned. Again the search is not case sensitive, so entering "spatial monitoring" would locate topics containing both "Spatial monitoring" and "spatial monitoring".

    When you open a topic, all occurrences of the phrase are highlighted. Click image of the remove highlight button to remove all highlighting from a topic.

  • You can narrow the topics to be searched by using a filter. Enter a query and click image of the select filter button to choose a relevant filter from the dropdown of categories. (The filter button changes to image of filter button whenever a filter has been applied.)

    The filter remains active until you select another, opt to search all topics, or go to another topic. To return to a search of all topics, click image of filter button and choose All Files from the dropdown.

  • You can use Boolean operators to refine your searches. The following operators are supported:

    • AND (also + or &)

      Separating terms with a space also implies AND.

    • OR (also |)
    • ^ (also NOT or !)

      Used to find topics that contain one term but not another.

    You can also use parentheses in searches.

Searching for Operators and Mathematical Symbols

Note: These hints apply especially when you search for keywords for use in the Business rules editor in SmartSpace Config.

  • Search cannot find symbols such as < or + is not possible. Instead change your search to use words describing the symbol, for example "less than" instead of "<"

  • Using quotes around search terms, especially those containing common words, can also get you better results, for example "there is a" returns several hits whilst there is a does not.

Using Google to search the documentation

You can make use of Google's site: search feature to search all of the Ubisense Documentation site. Prefix your search term with


Note: There is no space between site: and the URL of the website.

Your search for returned result(s).